4.08 Jambavan – Hanuman

ஜாம்பவான் – ஹனுமான்

The Vanaras discussed among themselves how to cross the ocean and concluded that none of them was capable of crossing the ocean and coming back. Jambavan, the bear, looked at Hanuman who was sitting in a corner and went to him.


Hanuman, the son of Vaayu, was all powerful and capable of going anywhere. He was a nava-vyakarana panditha and had Surya as his Guru. He also possessed ashta maha siddhi. Brahma had given him boon that no weapon could kill him and he would live a very long life. But Hanuman had a curse that he would not realise his potential unless someone reminds him about it.

Jambavan went near Hanuman and reminded him of his powers, and said only he could cross the ocean and look for Sita. “You are like Garuda, capable of flying anywhere. The entire Vanara sena is worried now. You start now and cross the ocean. You are the only one capable of doing this feat and accordingly Sugriva and Rama entrusted the job of finding Sita to you”.

அண்ணல்தம் மைந்தர்க்குஅன்பு சிறந்தீர் அதனாலே

கண்ணி உணர்ந்தீர் கருமம் நுமக்கே கடன் என்னத்

திண்ணிது அமைந்தீர் செய்து முடிப்பீர்சிதைவு இன்றால்

புண்ணியம் ஒன்றே என்றும் நிலைக்கும் பொருள் கொண்டீர்

(கம்பராமாயணம், மயேந்த்ரப் படலம், 1017)

On hearing this Hanuman remembered his capabilities and grew much bigger and prepared to take off from Mahendra Parvatha.

4.08. Jambavan_Hanuman

ததஸ்து வை ஜாம்பவதா ப்ரசோதித:

ப்ரதீத வேக: பவநாத்மஜ: கபி:

ப்ரஹர்ஷயம்ஸ்தாம் ஹரிவீரவாஹிநீம்

சகார ரூபம் மஹதாத்மனஸ்ததா

(Valmiki Ramayanam, Kishkinda Kandam, 66-40)

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